ELI’s 7 Things you should know about…

7 Things you should know about…  is a report published every year by the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI). This report provides useful information about emerging technologies and is based on the following criteria:

What is it?
How does it Work?
Who’s Doing it?
Why is it significant?
What are the downsides?
Where is it going?
What are the implications for teaching and learning?

The emerging technologies that are described in the 2011 report are the following:

Personalized Digital Magazine
Organizing Files in the Cloud
LMS Evaluation
Modern Learning Commons
Open Textbook Publishing
iPad apps for learning
Open-ended Response Systems

The information provided on 2011 version of 7 Things you should know about…  is useful and valuable to the broader community of educators because it delivers a definition of a number of emerging technologies, it provides a description of how these technologies work and who become users, it offers an explanation of the benefits and drawbacks of incorporating these technologies, and enlightens about the possible future uses. Finally, ELI’s 7 Things you should know about…  explains the implications of using these emerging technologies for teaching and learning. However, the information provided on this report is more useful for educators who work at higher education rather than K-12 education. In the section devoted to “implications for teaching and learning” it often mentions terms like “higher education”, “academic career”, or “faculty members”.

I would expect for future versions of this report to find a description of the implications for learning and teaching in a more detailed format, which includes both higher and k-12 education. Despite this, I would revise this report because it is helpful to get a definition of emerging technologies, to be updated with new technologies that are appearing in the market, to obtain a description of its functionalities, and to think about how my students could use these tools and for what purposes.


Posted in: Week 02: The Edtech Marketplace